Saturday, June 4, 2011

Creation Story Part 1: Sumerian Religion

The earliest record of the Sumerian creation myth is found on a tablet excavated in Nippur (Iraq) and is datable by it's script to 2150B.C 

The gods An, Enlil, Enki and Ninhursanga create the Black-Headed people and  create comfortable conditions for the animals to live and procreate. Then kingship descends from heaven and the first cities are founded: Eridu, Bad-tibira, Larsa, Sippar and Shuruppak

The gods decide not to save mankind from a impending flood. Zi-ud-syra, the king and gudug prist, learns of this. Enki the god of water, warns the hero and gives him instructions for the ark. A terrible storm rocks the boat for seven days and nights, then Utu, god of the sun appears and Zi-ud-sura creates an opening in the boat, prostrates himself and sacrifices oxen and sheep.

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